28/01/2021 - Native animals and mug cakes
This week for cubs we are looking at animals that are Native to the UK. We are using resources from Chester Zoo, they have over 200 different things that they've made and they've been running live animal talks on Fridays that are all recorded.
We've had a sudden influx of new cubs from Beavers, so have had to split the pack into two. The good thing about being in 2 halves is that the first group gets more enthusiasm, but by the second group I've learned from mistakes from the first group.
This week for explorers we are making mug cakes. We made them back in May/June time, but a lot of the explorers didn't join in then. I sent them a link to the BBC chocolate mug cakes recipe, but gave them freedom to find their own recipe if they want to.
If they enjoy doing baking, we may do more of it while we are still in lockdown. We don't get to bake usually as we don't trust the oven in the scout hut.
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